The Kountz family have been a significant part of Redeemer Church from our beginnings and Mat served as one of our founding elders. Their family came to help plant and serve the church in its early stages as they prepared to move to the mission field.
Mat and Amy serve in Cuenca, Ecuador with their children - Wil, Lina , Jude , and Oliver. The Kountzes are working to train and mobilize Ecuadorian pastors and missionaries to reach their own neighboring communities as well as peoples beyond the borders of Ecuador.
By God’s grace, the Kountzes would love to see the Word of God greatly increase in Ecuador in depth and width. To this end they are working with the Cuenca missionary team and local church leaders to start a Bible college and theological seminary in Ecuador’s university city that can train Ecuadorian pastors church planters and missionaries.
Follow the Kountz family to keep up with their work
Give to help support them as they serve in Ecuador