You’ll notice that everyone is dressed comfortably, wearing anything from “office casual” to jeans and a t-shirt. We're not concerned about your attire, but simply glad that you came. So just be yourself.
We also want to be a place where you can get your questions answered. If you're doubting or don’t believe, you're welcome here. We would love to have the opportunity to talk with you and to lead you to biblical answers for your concerns.
We know it’s not easy visiting a church for the first time and a number of questions can run through your mind. “Do I belong here? Am I really welcome? Will the people be unfriendly, or too friendly? Will it be easy to leave if I don’t enjoy it? Will they ask me for money? Will my kids enjoy it? How should I dress? Am I welcome if I don’t believe?”
Well, here is a little of what to expect at a Redeemer…
We meet in a great building, which we hope to be a worshipful, comfortable, and safe space, so come on in! We love to have new people join us as we gather together and you'll be welcomed as you come in. As you enter the lobby, look around and speak with our people about what's going on at Redeemer, ask questions, grab some coffee, and come on through the double doors where we meet for worship.
One of the rhythms we seek to provide is a Foundation Class where we dig into topics that may not come up as often in our exposition of scripture. We'd love you to join us for these discussions as we talk about things that matter to us in our life and in the church. We might be learning and talking about a life on mission with God, why theology matters, what is the church, or any number of topics, but our goal is to grow together and learn what God teaches us about life together.
During this time, we also have a class for the children who are interested. They're taught Biblical truths through story and discussion so that they too can grow in faith and develop an understanding of God’s Word.
At 4:00pm, we gather for worship at The Beacon (718 N Market St, Waterloo). We encourage families to worship together with us and are committed to helping families move in that direction. While worshipping together is a goal, we also realize that everyone has days where nursery is helpful, so we do provide a nursery for children birth to five years old.
In our worship gatherings we worship and praise God, we teach from the Bible, we pray, and we take the Lord’s Supper together. We may include times of silent reflection, corporate reading of creeds or confessions, and reciting of Scripture. All our gatherings are modern but biblical in nature. Our goal in corporate worship is to realize and experience the presence of God and give thanks for who He is and what He has done.
Because we are mobile, you might see people begin taking down and moving things around, but this is primarily a time of fellowship and we highly value opportunities to know and be known. We welcome questions and conversation, we love to tell our story, so grab a chair or another cup of coffee and we'd love to talk.
It's not uncommon for us to share a meal together after worship. If you're here and there's food, know that you are welcome and we would love you to join in. We're certain that you will find that we're a warm, loving family in Christ that would love to get to know you better. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.