Here we come to phrase that is probably quoted as much in our culture as anything else in scripture… “judge not” hangs on the lips and stands against the perception of condemnation for actions and thoughts and beliefs…
Yet, before we discount this as just some misquote of Jesus – before we jump to the statement that our culture just doesn’t understand the context – we must acknowledge that as Christ-followers we need to hear what Jesus is saying and apply what He means to our lives.
Whatever Jesus is saying needs to impact the reality of our life. We need it to sink in and be brought to repentance and restoration where it hits home for us – because whatever Jesus IS talking about is wicked and sinful, and brings destruction into our life.
What did the Church first look like? What does that have to teach us about what it means to be the church today? Have we missed the mark? What are the characteristics that defined and set it apart so much that it changed the world? Listen with us as we consider these things and what it means for us today.